(The maps this software generates can also be imported into third-party farm management software for further analysis and to optimise treatment prescriptions before exporting these to other precision agriculture equipment. Table 1 shows detailed information about each sensor. These images are transformed into high-resolution orthomosaics (2D maps) by the eBee Ag’s supplied image processing software, which features an index computation tab for calculating NDVI and other indicators – to show which crops require treatment or closer examination. The senseFly eBee was used in this study, and images were acquired using MultiSPEC 4C sensors and IXUS 127 HS. The eBee Ag is a mini mapping drone that can collect aerial photography of up to 2,470 ac (1,000 ha) in a single automated flight. This makes the drone really versatile and opens up the possibility to. the drone and the The thermal imagery was captured by the senseFly. A Canon S110 and a Sensefly Multi-Spec 4C camera for inspecting agriculture crops. (4.1.19) Fixed issues with camera rig definition of MultiSPEC 4C camera. Details: Airinov Multispec 4C sensor mounted on a eBee research drone built by EPFL spin-off SenseFly the orthoprojected mosaic was processed from 431. We look forward to contributing our insight and experience to the Precision Ag Council so that this group can help farmers do more of what matters: accurately assess and manage their crops increase yields and grow their businesses.” The multiSPEC 4C pro- tured by the senseFly fixed-wing drone eBee using a duces. Disabling reflectance generation for RGB images in senseFlys Duet-T projects. Joining AgGateway is now the next logical step. This will allow the company to collaborate closely with other council members to help define appropriate standards, guidelines and implementation protocols, which will, in turn, improve the integration of UAV data into the precision agriculture. The bands for Sensefly multiSPEC 4C are green, red, red edge and near-infrared (NIR) centered at 550, 660, 735, and 790 nm with corresponding bandwidths 40, 40, 10 and 40 nm. “We then achieved a new level of integration with the arrival of the multiSPEC 4C camera, which was co-developed with agronomy specialists Airinov and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). As an official AgGateway member, senseFly has already joined AgGateway’s Precision Ag Council. The multispectral cameras mounted on the UAVs were Sensefly multiSPEC 4C (Parrot Group, Switzerland) in 2017 and RedEdge (Micasense, Seattle, USA) in 20. “With the launch of our eBee Ag this summer we took a great first step towards meeting the scouting requirements of farmers and crop consultants,” says Jean-Christophe Zufferey, CEO of senseFly.